Saturday, January 28, 2012

Elder Nelson

Well, we survived the MTC drop off. It was honestly one of the hardest and most wonderful things I have ever done. So proud that Nathan had the guts to do it. I don't know if I would! He was so nervous! We went to Brick Oven before and met sooooo many missionaries there doing the same thing. He met two going to Mexico--not his mission, but it was fun.

He is doing well. He told me he likes the food, his companion is cool and his district is cool. He isn't full of a lot of information, but then again he never was! Ha Ha! In his own way he let us know he is doing ok.

I pray so hard for him. I miss him, and the house is so quiet, but this is what we have dreamed of all his life. I am so grateful for my wonderful Bubba!